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Cemetary Rules and Regulations

Welcome Lot Holders and Visitors

Our cemetery is located on the corner of Wood Rd. and Castle Rd. in Whitesboro NY. Cemetery hours are from sunrise to sunset. The cemetery staff may be contacted at 315-327-5148.

Click the link below to see the cemetery.

No pets allowed on cemetery property

Live plantings are limited to flowers only, no trees, bushes and shrubs, with flower beds limited to 12 inches directly in front of the monument.

Candles are to be in plastic containers only, no glass or metal vases allowed

Nothing behind the monuments, your property ends at the back of the monument

Plantings, decorations and personal items are limited to 12 inches in front of upright monuments and plantings of any kind around ground markers is not allowed. Shepherds hooks, windchimes, windsocks, reflecting glass or mirrors are prohibited

Potted plants, flowers, baskets and cemetery logs are allowed only on any given holiday or on a day that signifies a special occasion, anniversary or birthday.

All decorations must be removed by lot owners after a holiday or special occasion and may be subject to removal if it becomes unsightly.

The cemetery staff reserves the right to remove any shrub, planting and/or other ornamentation to facilitate an interment

No benches, statues, or markers of any kind shall be permitted, unless previously approved by the Board of Trustees

No fencing, curbing, glass, stone or wood chips, plastic or cement blocks allowed

All winter decorations must be removed by April 15th

Any questions pertaining to landscaping, burials or purchasing of graves, please contact the cemetery staff at 315-327-5148

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